The Big Breath Company

the big breath company

Closure of The Big Breath Company

Dear Beloved Community,

It is with a sense of deep gratitude and a touch of melancholy that we announce the closing of The Big Breath Company – October, 2023. Since its inception in 2014, our company has been a beacon of transformation and healing, offering high-quality events and breathing workshops in the UK and abroad. Your support and participation have been the pillars upon which this incredible journey was built.

We just wrapped up a wonderfully fulfilling seminar and it’s on this high note that we’ve decided to close this chapter. While The Big Breath Company has been a labour of love, it has also been financially demanding to maintain. We feel the time is right to conclude operations while our energy for this impactful work is at its highest.

Though The Big Breath Company is closing, our commitment to breathwork remains steadfast. We are excited to announce that both of us will continue to work in this field, albeit not under The Big Breath Company banner. We will still be running Transformational Breath® events, albeit less frequently, and are available for one-to-one sessions.

For those interested in staying connected or exploring personal sessions, you can reach us directly through our respective websites: Thebreathworkteachers.comsfor Sarah Jons and for Elif Clarke.

We’re hopeful our paths will cross again, and we are filled with love and gratitude as we look forward to this next phase of our journey. We thank you for the privilege of being part of your lives and send you all our love, positive energy, and best wishes for your own continued transformation.

In deepest gratitude and love,
Sarah Jons and Elif Clarke
Founders, The Big Breath Company

Reclaim Your Breath

4th/5th May 2023 Bounds Green London UK N22 8DH Led by Trainer Sarah Jons
The big breath company

Personal Journey Level 1, 11, 111

17th May to 22nd 2024 Led by Senior Trainer Elif Clarke