The Big Breath Company

Transformational Breath® Professional Training

Level IVA

Dr Judith Kravitz

We do not currently have any dates scheduled

About This Event

Level IV-A

Level 4A: Is the first part of the Transformational Breath® Certified Facilitator Training. 

During this seven-day training you will develop the skills to work with individual clients; body mapping, breathing analysis, psycho-spiritual counselling, significant areas integrated by transformational breath, the dynamics of a Transformational Breath® session, the role of the facilitator, among others. 

At the same time, you will go deeper in your own process by strengthening your daily practice, understanding of miracle consciousness, and learning to observe your reflection in the people around you. You will have a daily breathing exercise and a full facilitated session. 

This event is Level 4 Part A – the start of the Professional Training Path. Seminar (Levels 1, 2 and 3) are required to register.

The best way to learn Transformational Breath® is by practicing the technique.

Level 4 is our Professional Facilitator Training Course. Level 4 has a specialised focus on Facilitator skills and experience in becoming a professional in Transformational Breath, and leading eventually to certification.

The Certification Programme includes

In-depth teaching and mentoring process

Advanced breathing analysis techniques

Conscious and enlightened coaching skills

Knowledge, skills and application of Transformational Breath on a professional level, through hands on experience.

Expansion of intuitive capabilities

An international family network of breathers & facilitator

Accelerated personal growth and evolution through the reflective process

A deeper commitment to Transformational Breath®

What others say about Transformational Breath

"This training had a great flow from theory to hands on experiential learning of breath facilitation and coaching. The fun moments and games in between all were very purposeful. Everything we learned built up to the cumulative events like the Community Breathing Workshop when car load after car load of people came to breathe and we filled a whole auditorium with many people learning to breathe with their diaphragm for the first time. It was both emotional and exhilarating."
Khristiane Woods

"Life changing"
Susan Abrahams

"Please do not delay your deepest intuition in learning how to breathe. It's the greatest gift you can give yourself."
Hanna Jade Browne

"Seriously you have to do this. I am flying. I emptied my brain and cleaned my body. I am a new person"
Meryem Soran

Dr Judith Kravtiz

Judith is a Breathwork pioneer. Beginning in the late 1970s, she has molded the crest of modern breathwork with love, skill and intuition helping hundreds of thousands worldwide. She is author of the book Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly which has been translated into eight languages. In 1994, she founded the Transformational Breath Foundation and its training programs, and still serves as its Executive Director.

A mother of eight, she has taught at the college level, and appeared on 50+ television or radio programs. Her Breathwork has reached into 54 countries, and she has led trainings, workshops, clinics, and master classes, at healing centers and conferences around the world, including The Deepak Chopra CenterKripalu Center for Yoga & HealthRowe Conference CenterNew York Open CenterOmega Institute, Hippocrates InstituteOptimum Health InstituteThe Global Inspiration ConferenceThe LifeCo (Turkey), and many others.

Judith has received accolades from many well-known people including Deepak Chopra MD, Christine Northrup, MD, Goldie Hawn, Norman Lear, plus many others.

Are you ready?

Prepare yourself for the first part of what is two powerful and transformative weeks. Open to life and the loving, joyful dance of self- empowerment, and awaken at the deepest level. Provide yourself a rewarding opportunity to inspire and help others. We know that this program will inspire some of the most profound and exciting experiences of your life, as it has done for so many.

What are the costs for Level IVA?

Level IVA is an official certificated Transformational Breath Programme.

It follows an international pricing structure.

The Big Breath Company will be organising this event on behalf of the International Transformational Breath Foundation USA.